Case 2: Emergency Call

Pattern & Insight

  • 4 out of 5 participants tried texting or video calling the pet owner rather than using the emergency number.

  • Despite being aware of the potential non-response, they chose these methods due to the difficulty in finding the hidden emergency number. This underscores the importance of making the emergency phone number more easily accessible.


  • The Emergency Call feature has been given higher prominence in the information hierarchy.

  • User privacy has been prioritized by implementing encryption for the recipient's phone number, ensuring a secure communication channel.

Case 3: Checking Progress

Pattern & Insight

  • 4 out of 5 participants experienced frustration due to uncertainty about their progress and completion time within a complex process.

  • The unclear progress information might cause users to give up on the process too soon. This emphasizes the importance of having progress indicators or time estimates in place.


  • The lengthy process, such as becoming a certified pet sitter, was reorganized into three sections, each with estimated completion times provided.

  • The certification process spans three days, during which users can access and review the progress details.

Case 4: Sharing

Pattern & Insight

  • 3 out of 5 participants had trouble finding the share button.

  • This suggests that the share button is not placed appropriately. It should be easily accessible when users are most inclined to share.


  • In addition to the share button on the homepage, a share button was added on the order review page to facilitate users in sharing their positive service experiences.

  • After clicking the share button, it would automatically generate editable content, thus streamlining the sharing process for users.